Music Together
Musical experiences for children and parents
If children hear fine music from the day of their birth ...They get a beautiful heart.
~Shinichi Suzuki
In "Music Together" we use a curriculum based on folk and traditional songs and rhymes because of their natural melodic expressiveness, natural flow of the language, and texts filled with wonder. It is also based on early childhood research related to the development of:
music intelligence
singing skills
sensitivity to the beat and beat groups
expressive movement
musical memory
neurological connections
Our goals are for children to become:
Beat-ful - develop rhythmic skills
Tune-ful - develop singing skills
Artful - develop sensitivity to the expressive qualities in music
Just like verbal language, a great deal of a child’s innate musical development will happen (or not happen) by the age of 4. We believe that every child deserves to have a solid foundation in musical skill—not necessarily so that he or she may become a world-class performer—but in order to appreciate and create music when and how they want.
These classes are for the parents to learn the activities as well as for the children's enjoyment. Parents will go home with repertoire of songs and rhymes so they can continue musical playtime throughout their child's early development. Parents do NOT have to be exceptionally musical themselves in order to enjoy making music with their child!